how to build model ship
Aj press puts out many excellent ship books although most of them are in polish. the internet is always a valuable source when researching the model you want to build. The following video clip is a short sequence from modellers shipyard dvd on how to build the hm cutter mermaid. the complete dvd is over 3 hours of. Welcome to model ship world register now to gain access to all of our features. once registered and logged in, you will be able to create topics, post replies to.

Intro: build a plank on frame model ship. welcome! my name is bob hunt and i build model ships for a hobby. i've been building these wonderful models for over 23. Welcome to the h.m.s. fly model ship build. this is a swan class rigged sloop from 1776. Resources. model ship building; you may also like. how to build model ships. model ships often require a delicate hand to build as parts can be very tiny..